Imagine over 200 young people kneeling together before Our Lord truly present in the Blessed Sacrament. A priest has just preached on the merciful love of God which is waiting for them in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. As a band plays contemplative praise music, each of these young people begins a dialogue with the Lord, opening their hearts to his mercy in a new way. One by one, they get up and wait in line for Confession. When they come back, their faces are radiant with new hope.
This is "Cor Jesu," an event for youth and young adults that began at the University of St. Thomas and has been introduced in dozens of universities and youth programs since its inception. During this Year of Mercy, the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry, together with the Office of Worship, is bringing it to the Diocese of New Ulm!
The Holy Hour will begin with a brief sermon on God's merciful love, followed by Adoration with praise music, during which confessions will be offered. And, as at any successful youth event, it will end with a time of food and fellowship!
We encourage youth ministers to bring youth from parishes all across the diocese. Young adults are also invited.
If you are a priest who is planning to come, please contact Kevin at so that we can plan for you to hear confessions.