Evangelization — Diocese of New Ulm

Office of Evangelization

The Office of Evangelization for the Diocese of New Ulm is a relational ministry serving the mission of Jesus Christ by inviting each person to encounter Christ, follow Him as His disciple, and be equipped for making missionary disciples. This is done through accompanying and investing in the clergy and the laity so that missionary efforts have conversion as their aim and the Holy Spirit as the principal agent of evangelization.

Message from Leonard:

The Great Commission is a call for all to hear and respond to. To hear more of my story and share how I can accompany you on your journey of living as a disciple and missionary disciple, please contact our office at lgutierrez@dnu.org or (507) 233-5361. Would love to meet, pray, and have meaningful conversation over a meal, coffee, or something fun!

Please check out our page periodically in the coming months for links, resources, and inspiration!

Click the image for more information!

Living the Method Modeled by the Master - Key scripture

Missionary Discipleship Resources

In St. Pope John Paul II’s Apostolic Exhortation, Pastores Dabo Vobis (I Shall Give You Shepherds), the saint lays out a basic structure of pillars for the formation of priests: human formation, spiritual formation, intellectual formation, and pastoral formation. Many seminaries have adapted this and some of the most faithful and fruitful missionary apostolates used this structure for the ongoing formation of their missionaries, substituting the pastoral formation to be called apostolic formation. It is a necessary endeavor that as we pursue Christ and mirror all that he is to balance how we are continually renewing our minds and hearts, calling to mind those areas in which we need a deepening of personal relationship with our Lord, an honest look at our stories and relatability with others, an understanding of our Catholic faith, and a commitment to advance the Gospel while understanding the mission, the signs of the times, and the importance of putting our learning to action by going out!

Contact the Office of Evangelization:

Christy Baker
Adminstrative Assistant
(507) 233-5317

Leonard Gutierrez
(507) 233-5361