On Thursday, March 9, 2017, The Minnesota Catholic Conference is sponsoring their first “Catholics at the Capitol” event to bring the Catholic voice regarding Human Life and Dignity into the public square as our State Legislators are working on laws affecting these topics. Particular focus will be on
- Assisted Suicide
- School Choice – especially as it pertains to underprivileged students
- Addressing the cycle of poverty.
If you are interested in riding a Diocese bus to the event, please contact Deacon Steve Spilman at sspilman@dnu with your name, city location, and contact information. Transportation is being arranged based on interest level. Your active support and participation is strongly encouraged.
We expect this event to be the beginning of what will develop into an effective, collective, Catholic Voice in our Diocese to educate our lawmakers on Catholic Social teachings and how they can positively influence the “Common Good” as they are intended to do.