Who: Youth in grades 11-12.
What: A pilgrimage to the heart of Catholicism. We will visit the tombs of Saints such as Pope St. John Paul II, St. Ignatius, St. Peter, and other beloved Saints. We will visit Assisi (the home of Sts. Francis and Clare), Siena (home of St. Catherine of Siena), and Nettuno (home of St. Maria Goretti). A tour of ancient Rome will showcase sites such as Trevi Fountain, the Colosseum, and the Pantheon. We will also attend a papal audience with Pope Francis and have the opportunity to hear daily Mass. Oh, and we'll eat pizza, gelato, and other wonderful Italian food.
When: June 11-21, 2017.
Where: Rome, Assisi, Siena, and Nettuno.
Why: To grow in love of Jesus and his Church.
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