Disclosed Names of Clergy


Disclosures of Names of Priests Credibly Accused of Sexual Abuse of a Minor

In March 2016, the Diocese of New Ulm, working in close cooperation with the law firm of Jeff Anderson & Associates, disclosed the names of men they mutually identified as being credibly accused of sexual abuse of a minor while they were assigned as priests. Please see the joint statement released on March 29, 2016. Since then, additional names have been identified and have been included here in the interest of transparency and accountability.

You may see a man’s assignment history by clicking on his name.

These men have been identified as having credible accusations of abuse against them related to incidents reported to have occurred within the Diocese of New Ulm.

These men have credible accusations of abuse against them related to incidents reported to have occurred in other dioceses. All of these men worked at some point in what is now the Diocese of New Ulm.

Additional Names

The following men have been named in lawsuits against the Diocese of New Ulm and/or parishes in the Diocese. These lawsuits allege sexual abuse of a minor and were served in advance of the May 25, 2016 deadline. That date marked the closure of the open window on the civil statute of limitations on historic claims. These claims were analyzed through the litigation process.

Investigation Pending

 Investigation Complete

The Diocese of New Ulm is committed to preventing abuse, immediately reporting any allegations of abuse in Church ministry to law enforcement, and helping victims and survivors in their journey toward healing.


Assignment History of Accused Clergy


Cletus Altermatt

Born in 1907 in Comfrey, Minnesota, Fr. Altermatt was ordained to the priesthood for the Diocese of Great Falls, Montana in 1934. He returned to Minnesota in 1962 and was incardinated into the Diocese of New Ulm in 1968.

Fr. Altermatt’s assignments in the Diocese of New Ulm:

  • Associate, Ss. Peter and Paul, Ivanhoe, 1962–1964

  • Administrator, Ss. Peter and Paul, Ivanhoe, 1964–1968

  • Pastor, Our Lady of Victory, Lucan, 1968–1978

Fr. Altermatt died in 1978 at the age of 70.


Edward Ardolf

Fr. Ardolf was ordained in February 1964 for the Diocese of New Ulm.

Fr. Ardolf’s assignment history:

  • Associate, Holy Trinity, Winsted, 1964–1970

  • Associate, Cathedral of the Holy Trinity in New Ulm and teaching at Cathedral High School, 1970–1972

  • Associate, Holy Rosary, North Mankato and to teaching at Holy Rosary School and Loyola High School, 1972–1974

  • Administrator, Holy Rosary, North Mankato, 1974-1975

  • Pastor, St. Raphael, Springfield, 1975–1982

  • Pastor, St. Peter, Canby, 1982–1986

  • Pastor, St. Leo, St. Leo, 1985–1986

  • Pastor, Holy Rosary, North Mankato, 1986–1998

  • Administrator, St. Paul, Nicollet, 1993

  • Pastor, St. Mary, Sleepy Eye, 1998–2002

  • Pastor, St. Paul, Nicollet, 2002–2012

  • Assisting at St. Mary, New Ulm, 2002–2011

Fr. Ardolf retired from assigned ministry in 2012 and died in 2016.


Joseph Balent

Fr. Balent was ordained in October 1944 for the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis. He was incardinated into the Diocese of New Ulm in 1957 when it was established.

Fr. Balent’s assignment history in the Diocese of New Ulm:

  • Pastor, St. Mathias, Wanda, 1957–1966

In 1966, Fr. Balent was incardinated into the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis. He died in 1986.


Dennis Becker

Born in 1935 in Lynd, Minnesota, Fr. Becker was ordained to the priesthood for the Diocese of New Ulm in 1962.

Fr. Becker’s assignments in the Diocese of New Ulm included the following:

  • Administrator, St. James, Nassau, 1962

  • Associate, Holy Rosary, North Mankato, 1962–1963

  • Associate, Holy Trinity, Winsted, 1963–1966

  • Pastor, St. Mary, Cottonwood, 1966–1977 (assigned to weekend Mass at the Campus Religious Center at Southwest State University, Marshall, starting in 1976)

  • Administrator, St. Isidore, Clarkfield, 1969–1977 (while continuing as pastor at St. Mary in Cottonwood)

  • Pastor, St. Bridget, DeGraff, 1977

  • Co-Pastor, St. Francis, Benson, St. Bridget, DeGraff, and Our Lady of the Visitation, Danvers, 1978–1987

  • Co-pastor, St. Anastasia, Hutchinson, 1987–1998

  • Pastor, St. Patrick, Kandiyohi and St. Thomas More, Lake Lillian, 1998–2000.

Fr. Becker retired from assigned ministry in the Diocese of New Ulm in 2000. The diocese removed him from ministry in 2015.


Gordon Buckley

Born in 1924 in Minneota, Minnesota, Fr. Buckley was ordained to the priesthood for the Diocese of Pueblo, Colorado in 1953. In 1959, he was incardinated into the Diocese of New Ulm.

Fr. Buckley’s assignments in the Diocese of New Ulm:

  • Ss. Peter and Paul, Glencoe, 1959–1960

  • St. Mary, Seaforth, 1960

  • Associate, St. Mary, Bird Island, 1960

  • Administrator, Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Taunton, 1960

  • Pastor, St. Mary, Cottonwood, 1960–1961

  • Administrator, St. Isidore, Clarkfield, 1961–1963

  • Pastor, St. Andrew, Granite Falls and St. James, Dawson, 1963–1969

  • Pastor, St. Michael, Milroy, 1969–1978

Fr. Buckley retired from assigned ministry in 1978 and died in 1985 at the age of 60.


Robert Clark

Born in 1958 in Sleepy Eye, Minnesota, Fr. Clark was ordained to the priesthood for the Diocese of New Ulm in 1984.

Fr. Clark’s assignment history:

  • Associate, Holy Redeemer, Marshall, 1984

  • Associate, Holy Trinity, Winsted,1984–1989

  • Associate, Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, New Ulm, 1989–1990

  • Pastor, St. Anthony, Watkins, 1990-1993 (also assigned as Sacramental Minister to Our Lady, Manannah 1992–1993)

  • Parochial Administrator, Our Lady, Manannah, 1993–1996

  • Pastor, St. Patrick, Kandiyohi, 1996–1997

  • Pastor, St. Thomas More, Lake Lillian, 1996–1997

  • Administrative leave, 1997

  • Religion Teacher, Saint Agnes High School, St. Paul, 1998–2002

In 2002, Fr. Clark was returned to the Diocese of New Ulm. The diocese removed him from ministry in 2002.


John Cooney

Fr. Cooney was ordained in May 1947 for the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis. He was incardinated into the Diocese of New Ulm in 1957 when it was established.

Fr. Cooney’s assignment history in the Diocese of New Ulm:

  • Pastor, St. Mary, Willmar, 1954–1957 (while St. Mary, Willmar was still in Archdiocese), 1957–1967

  • Pastor, St. Malachy, Clontarf, 1967–1980

  • Pastor, St. Boniface, Stewart, 1980–1987

Fr. Cooney retired from assigned ministry in 1987 and died in 1988.


J. VIncent Fitzgerald

Born in 1919 in Troy Grove, Illinois, Fr. Fitzgerald was a priest of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate religious order ordained in Illinois in 1950.

In 1977–1978, Fr. Fitzgerald, then a priest assigned in the Diocese of Duluth, participated in a Clinical Pastoral Education program at Willmar State Hospital. While participating in the program, Fitzgerald engaged in temporary work at St. Thomas More parish in Lake Lillian. Fr. Fitzgerald was never incardinated into the Diocese of New Ulm.

Fr. Fitzgerald left the Diocese of New Ulm in 1978 and died in 2009.


John Gleason

Born in 1921 in St. Paul, Minnesota, Fr. Gleason was ordained to the priesthood for the Archdiocese of St. Paul in 1946. Fr. Gleason was incardinated into the Diocese of New Ulm when the diocese was formed in 1957.

  • Associate, St. Luke, St. Paul, 1946–1949

  • Associate, Ascension, Minneapolis, 1949–1950

  • Associate, St. Anthony of Padua, Minneapolis, 1950–1951

  • Associate, St. Bridget, Minneapolis, 1951–1953

  • Associate, St. Joseph, Red Wing, 1953–1954

  • Associate, St. Thomas the Apostle, Minneapolis, 1954

  • Pastor, St. Anthony, Regal, with the mission of St. Patrick, Kandiyohi, 1954–1961

  • Pastor, St. Paul, Nicollet and St. Michael, Belgrade Township, 1961–1969

  • Pastor, St. Michael, Morgan, 1969–1980

  • Pastor, St. Leo, St. Leo, 1980–1985

  • Pastor, Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Taunton, while remaining Pastor of Leo, St. Leo, 1981–1985

  • Pastor, Our Lady in Manannah, 1985–1992

Fr. Gleason retired from the assigned ministry in 1992 and died in 1998 at the age of 76.


Edward Graff

In August 2018, a Pennsylvania grand jury released a report about sexual abuse allegations against more than 300 priests during a 70-year period. One of the Pennsylvania priests included in this report was Fr. Edward Graff, a priest of the Diocese of Allentown, Pa., who is noted as having dozens of accusations against him in the grand jury report.

Fr. Graff was in the Diocese of New Ulm from June 1 to August 4, 1989, to take part in a clinical pastoral education program at Willmar Regional Treatment Center. During the two months Fr. Graff was in the diocese he may have celebrated Mass at parishes within the Diocese of New Ulm while priests were on vacation or otherwise not available. The Diocese of New Ulm is not aware of any allegation of sexual misconduct involving minors made against Fr. Graff while he was in the Diocese of New Ulm.

Fr. Graff was arrested in 2002 for sexual abuse of a minor in Texas. He died while awaiting trial.


Richard Gross

Fr. Gross was ordained in February 1962 for the Diocese of New Ulm.

Fr. Gross’ assignment history:

  • Associate, St. James, Nassau, 1962

  • Associate, St. Mary, New Ulm, with teaching duties at Cathedral High School, New Ulm, 1962–1967

  • Pastor of Ss. Cyril & Methodius, Taunton, 1967–1970

  • Co-rector of the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, New Ulm, 1970–1972

  • Graduate studies, 1972

  • Pastor, St. Joseph, Rosen and St. James, Nassau, 1972–1980

  • Co-pastor, St. Mary, New Ulm, 1980–1987

  • Parish ministry in Alaska, 1987

  • Co-pastor of St. Anastasia, Hutchinson, 1987–1995

  • Administrator, St. Boniface, Stewart, 1987–1990

  • Sacramental minister, St. Boniface, Stewart, 1991–1995

  • Pastor, St. Anthony, Watkins, 1995–2001

Fr. Gross retired from assigned ministry in 2001. He was removed from ministry in 2016. He was returned to limited ministry in 2018. He has been granted limited faculties which will permit him to celebrate Mass, celebrate the anointing of the sick, and pray with the Christian faithful as needed at the Grandview Apartments and Hilltop Nursing Facility in Watkins.


Joseph Louis Heitzer

Born in 1914 in Germany, Fr. Heitzer was ordained to the priesthood for the Archdiocese of St. Paul in 1942. He was never incardinated into the Diocese of New Ulm. However, Fr. Heitzer was credibly accused of abuse in the Archdiocese and was assigned at parishes that are now within the Diocese of New Ulm.

Fr. Heitzer’s assignment history:

  • Associate, Holy Trinity, Winsted, 1942–1944

  • Associate, St. Andrew, Fairfax, 1944

  • Associate, Assumption, St. Paul, 1944–1945

  • Associate, Holy Redeemer, Marshall, 1945

  • Associate, St. Mary, Sleepy Eye, 1945–1948

  • Associate, St. Joseph, Waconia, 1948

  • Associate, St. Aloysius, Olivia, 1948–1950

  • Administrator, Sacred Heart, Franklin, 1950–1954

  • Pastor, St. Joseph, Rosen, 1954–1955

  • Pastor, St. Michael, Gaylord, 1955–1956

  • Pastor, St. Luke, Clearwater, 1956–1958

  • Pastor, St. Scholastica, Heidelberg, 1958–1966

  • Associate, St. Richard, Richfield, 1966–1967

  • In residence, St. Peter, Forest Lake, 1967–1968

  • Sacramental and supply ministry, clergy retreat house, Nevis (in the Crookston Diocese), 1968

  • Chaplain, Divine Providence nursing home, Ivanhoe, 1969

Fr. Heitzer died in 1969 at the age of 55.


Rupolph Henrich

Born in 1906, Fr. Henrich was ordained to the priesthood for the Archdiocese of St. Paul in 1933. He was never incardinated into the Diocese of New Ulm. However, Fr. Henrich was credibly accused of abuse in the Archdiocese and was assigned at parishes that are now within the Diocese of New Ulm.

Fr. Henrich’s assignment history:

  • Associate, St. James, St. Paul, 1933–1937

  • Associate, Holy Trinity, Winsted, 1937–1938

  • Associate, St. Mark, Shakopee, 1938

  • Chaplain, State Training School for Boys, Red Wing, 1938–1942

  • Chaplain, U.S. Navy, 1942–1946

  • Chaplain, State Training School for Boys, Red Wing, 1946–1952

  • Chaplain, U.S. Forces, 1952–1954

  • Pastor, St. Boniface, Stewart, 1954–1957

  • Pastor, St. Margaret Mary, Minneapolis, 1957–1976

Fr. Henrich retired from assigned ministry in 1976 and died in 1992 at the age of 86.


Harry Majerus

Born in 1917 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Fr. Majerus was ordained to the priesthood for the Archdiocese of St. Paul in 1942. He was incardinated into the Diocese of New Ulm when the diocese was formed in 1957. Fr. Majerus was credibly accused of sexual abuse in The Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, after he left the Diocese of New Ulm.

Fr. Majerus’ assignment history:

  • Associate, St. Columba, St. Paul, 1943–1944

  • Assistant Director, Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, 1944

  • Associate, Cathedral of St. Paul, 1944

  • Chaplain, St. Joseph’s Hospital, St. Paul, 1944–1946

  • Associate, Annunciation, Minneapolis, 1946–1947

  • Associate, Holy Redeemer, Marshall, 1947–1949

  • Associate, St. Thomas the Apostle, Minneapolis, 1949

  • Associate, St. Joseph, Hopkins, 1949

  • Associate, St. Stephen, Minneapolis, 1949–1952

  • Associate, Holy Redeemer, Marshall, 1952–1953

  • Associate, Incarnation, Minneapolis, 1953–1954

  • Pastor, Sacred Heart, Franklin and St. Patrick, Birch Coulee (St. Patrick closed in 1958), 1954–1966

  • Director of Catholic Action and Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, 1958–1966

  • Pastor, St. Catherine, Redwood Falls, 1966–1971

  • Leave of absence, 1971

  • Associate, Mary, Mother of the Church, Burnsville, 1971–1980

  • Pastor, Immaculate Conception, St. Peter, 1980–1991

  • Director of the Office for Continuing Education of Priests for the Diocese of New Ulm, 1981–1987

Fr. Majerus retired from assigned ministry in 1991 and died in 1995 at the age of 78.


Francis Markey

In 1952, Fr. Markey was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Clogher in Ireland.

In 1981, Fr. Markey came to Minnesota to participate in a Clinical Pastoral Education program at Willmar State Hospital.

In 1981, Fr. Markey worked at St. Joseph in Henderson. In 1982, Fr. Markey worked at St. Andrew in Granite Falls for about three months, after the pastor there died and before a new pastor arrived. Fr. Markey left the diocese in June 1982.

In 2012, Fr. Markey died in Ireland at the age of 84 while awaiting trial for sexual abuse of a minor in Ireland in 1968.


William Marks

Born in 1908 in Marshall, Minnesota, Fr. Marks was ordained for the Archdiocese of St. Paul in 1936. He was incardinated into the Diocese of New Ulm when the diocese was formed in 1957.

Fr. Marks assignment history:

  • Associate, St. Mark, Shakopee, 1936–1939

  • Associate, St. Dominic, Northfield, 1939–1940

  • Administrator, Our Lady, Mannanah and the mission of St. Columban, Greenleaf, 1940–1941

  • Administrator, St. Philip, Litchfield, 1941–1942

  • Associate, Guardian Angels, Hastings, 1942

  • Associate, Immaculate Conception, Faribault, 1942–1945

  • Pastor, St. Dionysius, Tyler, 1945–1954

  • Pastor, St. John, Hector, 1954–1962

  • Pastor, St. Clotilde, Green Valley, 1962–1979

Fr. Marks died in 1979 at the age of 71.


John Murphy

Born in 1927 in St. Paul, Minnesota, Fr. Murphy was ordained to the priesthood for the Archdiocese of St. Paul in June 1951. He was incardinated into the Diocese of New Ulm when the diocese was formed in 1957.

Fr. Murphy’s assignment history:

  • Associate, Basilica of St. Mary, Minneapolis, 1951–1957

  • Associate, St. Theresa, St. Paul, 1957

  • Administrator, St. Willibrord, Gibbon, 1957–1963

  • Pastor, St. John, Ortonville, 1963–1967

  • Pastor, St. Joseph, Montevideo, 1967–1971

  • Pastor, St. Catherine, Redwood Falls, 1971–1981

  • Pastor, Holy Rosary, North Mankato, 1981–1986

  • Pastor, St. Raphael, Springfield, 1986–1989

  • Sacramental Minister, St. Joseph, Lamberton, 1989 (while remaining pastor at St. Raphael, Springfield)

  • Pastor, St. John, Appleton and St. Joseph, Holloway, 1989–1991

Fr. Murphy retired from assigned ministry in 1991. He did volunteer ministry at St. John the Evangelist, Little Canada in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis from 1996–2000. Fr. Murphy died in 2001 at the age of 74.


David Roney

Born in 1921 in St. Paul, Minnesota, Fr. Roney was ordained to the priesthood for the Archdiocese of St. Paul in 1945. He was incardinated into the Diocese of New Ulm when the diocese was formed in 1957.

Fr. Roney’s assignment history:

  • Associate, Basilica of St. Mary, Minneapolis, 1945–1952

  • Pastor, St. Francis of Assisi, Lake St. Croix Beach, 1952–1955

  • Pastor, St. John, Faxon Township and mission of Assumption, 1955–1958

  • Pastor, St. Paul, Walnut Grove, 1958–1963

  • Pastor, St. Francis in Benson, 1963–1967

  • Pastor, St. Mary, Willmar, 1967–1980

  • Pastor, St. Gregory the Great, Lafayette, 1980–1993

  • Co-director of the San Lucas Mission Office for the Diocese of New Ulm 1980–1986

  • Director of the Office of the Propagation of the Faith for the Diocese of New Ulm, 1986–1994

  • Director of the San Lucas Mission Office for the Diocese of New Ulm, 1986–1994

Fr. Roney retired from assigned ministry in 1993. In 1994, his request to move to San Lucas Toliman Mission in Guatemala was approved by the diocese. Fr. Roney assisted as a priest at the mission while his health permitted. The diocese removed him from ministry in 2002. He died in 2003 in Guatemala at the age of 82.


Douglas Schleisman

Born in 1949 in Carroll, Iowa, Douglas Schleisman was ordained to the priesthood for the Diocese of New Ulm in 1975. He was laicized in 1994.

Schleisman’s assignment history:

  • Associate, Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, New Ulm, 1976–1981

  • Associate, Holy Trinity, Winsted, 1981–1984

  • Pastor, St. Adalbert, Silver Lake, 1984–1993

  • Pastor, St. Joseph, Silver Lake, 1988–1993, while continuing assignment as pastor of St. Adalbert

  • Leave of absence, 1993

Mr. Schleisman was laicized in 1994.


Michael Skoblik

Born in 1910 in Lucan, Minnesota, Fr. Skoblik was ordained to the priesthood for the Archdiocese of St. Paul in 1939. Fr. Skoblik incardinated into the Diocese of New Ulm when the diocese was formed in 1957.

Fr. Skoblik’s assignment history:

  • Associate, Most Holy Redeemer, Montgomery, 1939–1946

  • Administrator, Most Holy Trinity, Veseli, 1946

  • Associate, St. Wenceslaus, New Prague, 1946

  • Administrator, Most Holy Trinity, Veseli, 1946

  • Pastor, Immaculate Conception, Lonsdale, 1947–1948

  • Pastor, St. Mary in Bechyn, 1948–1952

  • Pastor, St. George in Glencoe, 1952–1965

  • Superintendent, St. Pius X School, Glencoe, 1964–1965

  • Pastor, St. Joseph, Silver Lake, 1965–1988

Fr. Skoblik retired from assigned ministry in 1988. He died in 1989 at the age of 79.


William Sprigler

Born in 1946, Fr. Sprigler was ordained to the priesthood for the Archdiocese of San Antonio in 1975. He moved to the Diocese of New Ulm in 1983 and was incardinated into the Diocese of New Ulm in 1988. In December 2018, the Archdiocese of San Antonio informed the Diocese of New Ulm of allegations of sexual abuse of two minors made against Fr. Sprigler in 1976. The Diocese of New Ulm has not received any allegation of sexual abuse of a minor against Fr. Sprigler during the time he has provided ministry within the Diocese of New Ulm. The Diocese of New Ulm permanently removed Fr. Sprigler from ministry in January 2019.

The following is Fr. Sprigler’s assignment history within the Diocese of New Ulm:

  • Internship, Holy Rosary, North Mankato, 1983–1984

  • Director of Personnel for the Diocese of New Ulm, while continuing in his parish assignments, 1984–1989

  • Pastor, St. Mary, Cottonwood and St. Isidore, Clarkfield 1984–1985

  • Pastor, Japanese Martyrs, Leavenworth, 1985–1989

  • Parochial Administrator, St. Catherine, Redwood Falls, while remaining Pastor at Japanese Martyrs, Leavenworth, 1988–1989

  • Parochial Administrator, St. Thomas, Sanborn, while remaining Parochial Administrator at St. Catherine, Redwood Falls, and Pastor at the Japanese Martyrs, Leavenworth, 1989

  • Pastor, Holy Redeemer, Marshall, 1989–1995

  • Parochial Administrator, Ss. Peter and Paul, Ivanhoe and St. John Cantius, Wilno, while remaining Pastor at Holy Redeemer, Marshall, 1992

  • Pastor, St. Anthony, Watkins, while remaining Pastor at Holy Redeemer, Marshall, 1993

  • Pastor, St. Andrew, Granite Falls, 1995–2000

  • Sacramental Minister, St. Clara, Clara City, while remaining Pastor at St. Andrew, Granite Falls, 1995–1997

  • Pastor, St. Clara, Clara City, while remaining Pastor at St. Andrew, Granite Falls, 1997–1998

  • Sacramental Minister, St. Clara, Clara City, while remaining Pastor at St. Andrew, Granite Falls, 1998–2000

  • Pastor, St. Anastasia, Hutchinson, 2000–2007

  • Sacramental Minister, St. Boniface, Stewart, while remaining Pastor at St. Anastasia, Hutchinson, 2000–2002

  • Pastor, St. Boniface, Stewart, while remaining Pastor at St. Anastasia, Hutchinson, 2002–2007

  • Pastor, Holy Trinity, Winsted, 2007–2009

  • Pastor, St. Francis, Benson; St. Malachy, Clontarf; St. Bridget, De Graff and the Oratory of Danvers, 2009–2011

  • Pastor, Sacred Heart, Murdock, while remaining Pastor at St. Francis, Benson; St. Malachy, Clontarf; St. Bridget, De Graff and the Oratory of Danvers 2011–2014

  • Parochial Administrator, St. James, Dawson, 2014–2016

  • Parochial Administrator, St. John, Appleton, while remaining Parochial Administrator at St. James, Dawson, 2015–2016

Retired from assigned ministry June 29, 2016. Since retirement, Fr. Sprigler continued to celebrate Mass and provide other ministry at parishes within the Diocese of New Ulm, as well as within two dioceses in Florida, while pastors were on vacation or otherwise needed assistance. He was removed from ministry in December 2018 and permanently removed from ministry in January 2019. The Diocese of New Ulm has informed those Florida dioceses that Fr. Sprigler is permanently removed from ministry.


Charles Stark

Born 1915 in Hastings, Minnesota, Fr. Stark was ordained to the priesthood for the Archdiocese of St. Paul in 1944. Fr. Stark incardinated into the Diocese of New Ulm when the diocese was formed in 1957.

  • Associate, Nativity of Our Lord, St. Paul, 1944

  • Associate, Immaculate Conception, Faribault, 1944–1945

  • Associate, Holy Trinity, Winsted, 1945–1946

  • Associate, St. Francis de Sales, St. Paul, 1946–1947

  • Associate, St. Michael, St. Paul, 1947–1951

  • Administrator, Holy Name, Vesta, 1951–1954

  • Pastor, St. Dionysius, Tyler, 1954–1965

  • Pastor, St. Michael, Gaylord, 1965

  • Pastor, St. John, Darwin, 1965–1969

  • Pastor, St. Andrew, Granite Falls, 1969–1971

  • Pastor, St. Joseph, Clements, 1971–1986

  • Pastor at St. Thomas, Sanborn, 1977–1986, while remaining pastor of St. Joseph, Clements

Fr. Stark retired from assigned ministry in 1986 and died in 1991 at the age of 75.


Bernard Steiner

Fr. Steiner was ordained in February 1961, for the Diocese of New Ulm.

Fr. Steiner’s assignment history:

  • Associate, St. Raphael, Springfield and assistance at St. Thomas, Sanborn, 1961–1962

  • Associate, Holy Redeemer, Marshall, 1962-1963 Associate, Holy Rosary, North Mankato, 1963–1965

  • Pastor, St. James, Dawson and the mission of St. Isidore, Clarkfield, 1965–1969

  • Pastor, St. Gregory, Lafayette and St. Francis de Sales, Winthrop, 1969–1970

  • Pastor, St. John, Appleton and the mission of St. Joseph, Holloway, 1970–1971

  • Pastor, St. Paul, Comfrey, 1971–1977

  • Pastor, St. Michael, Madison, 1977–1981

  • Pastor of St. James, Dawson, 1978–1981

  • Administrator, St. Andrew, Granite Falls, 1981–1982

  • Pastor, St. Clara, Clara City, 1982–1987

  • Administrator, Sacred Heart, Raymond, 1982–1987

  • Co-pastor, Benson Area Parishes (Benson, Clontarf, Danvers, and DeGraff), 1987–1993

  • Pastor Sacred Heart, Murdock, 1987–1993

  • Pastor and/or sacramental minister, St. Mathias, Wanda, St. Thomas, Sanborn, and St. Joseph, Lamberton, 1993–1998

  • Pastor and/or sacramental minister, St. Brendan, Green Isle, St. John-Assumption, Faxon Township, St. Thomas, Jessenland, and St. Joseph, Henderson, 1998–2005

Fr. Steiner retired from assigned ministry in 2005. In 2016, the Diocese of New Ulm removed him from all public ministry following notification of a civil claim made against him stemming from his time as pastor at the Church of St. Paul in Comfrey in the 1970s. His removal from ministry was publicized in 2016. No other claimants have come forward with reports against him. Fr. Bernard Steiner has returned to limited ministry based on the recommendation of the independent Diocesan Review Board following a completed investigation by police that found no substantial credible evidence to support the abuse allegation made against him. Fr. Steiner is allowed to concelebrate Mass and administer the Anointing of the Sick in the presence of other members of the clergy.

Samuel Wagner

Fr. Samuel Wagner

Fr. Wagner was ordained in June 2014 for the Diocese of New Ulm.

Fr. Wagner’s assignment history:

  • Parochial vicar, Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, New Ulm and St. John, Searles and assisting in the Holy Cross Area Faith Community, 2014–2016

  • Parochial vicar, St. Mary, Sleepy Eye and assisting in the Divine Mercy Area Faith Community, 2016–2017

Fr. Wagner was removed from ministry in 2017, pending investigation.