January 3, 2016, Feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord
The Catholic bishops of Minnesota have again designated the Feast of Our Lord’s Epiphany as Immigration Sunday MN. The commemoration coincides with the USCCB's National Migration Week 2016, which takes place January 3–9, 2016 with the theme, "A Stranger and You Welcomed Me."
In the Gospel of Matthew (25:35), Jesus tells his disciples, "I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me."
Recent months have seen reports of thousands of refugees from the Middle East, primarily Syrians, fleeing conflict in their nation and searching for protection and survival in other countries. Undoubtedly, the governments of nations have a responsibility to ensure that migrants and refugees do not pose a danger to citizens and can be safely sheltered within their borders. Still, sovereign nations must also recognize the universal solidarity among all persons, and observe the Gospel mandate to protect the basic demands of human dignity, including the right to migrate if necessary.
Regardless of religious affiliation or national origin, refugees are made in the image of God, and deserving of our care and protection from persecution.
Immigration Sunday MN is an opportunity for individuals and parish communities to pray, act, and advocate for those escaping violence, as well as to continue to learn more about the plight and opportunities of the more than 11 million undocumented persons living in our communities.
Visit the Immigration Sunday MN page to learn more, get involved, or download parish resources.