What is the Jubilee Year of Hope?
Help children to understand the virtue of hope and why we are engaging in the Jubilee Year of Hope in 2025 in our diocese.
The Jubilee has a mascoT!
Introduce children to the idea of what it means to be a pilgrim during this Jubilee Year.
Jubilee Table
Here are the steps to create your own Jubilee Table for in your home or classroom following the recommendation of Bishop Zielinski.
Behold Your Mother: Prayer and coloring Book
Use this resource to help children understand some of the many titles given to our Blessed Mother. This coloring book is sure to delight and inspire our young children!
Scripture Stories of Hope
Inspire children to find hope through Scripture as you explore stories of Jesus and Mary.
Saintly Stories of Hope
Use these stories with activities to explore the virtue of hope as exemplified by these saints.
The Jubilee Year of Hope: A Guide for Catholic Catechists and Families (Allie Johnston)
Pilgrims on the Way of Hope: A Resource for the Jubilee of Families, Children, Grandparents and the Elderly (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops)