Diocese of New Ulm Pilgrims headed to the Eucharistic Congress

NEW ULM - Pilgrims from across the Diocese of New Ulm are uniting in spirit with the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis. Forty-eight people gathered today at the Diocesan Pastoral Center in New Ulm for Mass in the center's Chapel, which was celebrated by Fr. Tanner Thooft before boarding a bus headed to the Congress.

Be part of the experience with the expected 50,000 Catholics via a special livestream!

Those participating in the Congress, whether in Indianapolis or in their own home, can receive a plenary indulgence. Pope Francis decreed:

“Faithful individuals who, due to reasonable circumstances and with pious intention, have participated in the sacred rites and received the Papal Blessing through media communications, may also obtain a Plenary Indulgence.”