Catholic Schools
in the diocese of new Ulm

The Diocese of New Ulm has 13 elementary schools and three high schools, with schools located within eight of the fifteen counties of the diocese.
2023-2024 PreK-12 student enrollment - 1,842; employing 209 teaching faculty.
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Curriculum Resources
Religion Curriculum: Written diocesan curriculum standards have been drafted for K-8 religion instruction. The standards have been piloted by numerous schools and will be finalized in the upcoming year. Schools have previously been responsible for writing the curriculum standards at the local school level.
All Other Curriculum Areas: Every Catholic school within the Diocese of New Ulm is required to have written curriculum standards which guide the instruction for every subject area taught. Standards are to be learner focused and to be directly tied to student assessments. Schools are to have an ongoing process for evaluating and editing the written standards. Schools are required to meet the Minnesota Nonpublic School Accrediting Association performance indicators related to curriculum and instruction.