Offices of Religious Education & Adult Faith Formation


Discipleship Day 2019, sponsored by the Diocese of New Ulm, will be Saturday, September 28 from 8:30 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the St. Aloysius Jubilee Center in Olivia. Bishop LeVoir will preside at the Mass at 8:30 a.m.

The theme is Entertaining Angels: Hospitality Training and is designed to train your first contact staff, such as administrative assistants, business managers, custodians, ushers, principals, DREs, youth ministers, catechists, Christian charity coordinators, and event planners to receive others in the name of Jesus Christ. This event is open to all parish employees and ANYONE interested in creating a culture of hospitality in your parish!

The keynote speakers are Adam Janke and Denise Hirl from St. Paul Evangelization Institute.

For further information or to register, contact Cindy Blickem (507-233-5325

Click here for flyer. Click here for registration form.