The Parish Leadership Series is an exciting new series of monthly virtual presentations covering a variety of topics of relevance for parish leaders. It begins after the first of the year on third Tuesdays and runs from 10:00am to about noon.
March 15, 2022: “Using FORMED Effectively in Your Parish” by Don Walter (Augustine Institute)
February 15, 2022: “How to Reframe Your Budgeting Mindset”
by Brian Ragatz, President of the Catholic Schools Center of Excellence
featured presentation:
“How to Reframe Your Budgeting Mindset”
by Brian Ragatz, President of the Catholic Schools Center of Excellence
On February 15 at 10 AM, Brian will share 10 thoughts to keep in mind when planning your budget/setting tuition. This presentation will focus largely on schools, but all parish leaders are welcome to attend.
Brian is a product of Catholic education from kindergarten through college, attending St. Joseph’s School in West St. Paul, St. Thomas Academy and St. John’s University. He received a master’s in education administration from St. Mary’s University and an educational specialist degree from the University of St. Thomas.
Brian has nearly 20 years’ experience in Catholic education. He taught middle school history and religion for five years at Nativity of Our Lord in St. Paul and has been a Catholic school principal for the last 13 years, most recently at St. Odilia in Shoreview.
While serving his school communities, Brian was promoted as a second lieutenant in the Minnesota National Guard, serving as a chaplain candidate. He also served as an adjunct instructor for St. Mary’s University and the University of St. Thomas graduate educational leadership programs. He enjoys coaching his son’s sports teams, and Friday pizza and movie nights with his family.
upcoming presentations:
April 19: “Youth Ministry 101” by Annie Grandell (NET/YDisciple & veteran youth minister)